Our solution

At Pluro, we believe that true web accessibility cannot be fully automated and requires a human touch, so we’ve developed a hybrid solution that combines powerful AI automated components with simple fixing tools - ensuring ongoing accessibility through continuous monitoring.

How do we simplify web accessibility?

Accessibility Component icon

Accessibility Component:

This component leverages an AI engine to automatically resolve most of WCAG accessibility issues in real time. It requires just a few seconds to integrate seamlessly into your website. Once installed, your site is on its way to full compliance.

Scanner – Fixer icon

Scanner – Fixer:

This advanced Dev Tool acts as a quick fixing tool for your website. The scanner identifies accessibility issues, landmarks, missing image alt attributes, and more. The issues are displayed directly on your site’s interface for simple no-code fixing the remaining issues.

Automation Monitoring System icon

Automation Monitoring System:

Our system continuously monitors your websites 24/7 and delivers real-time alerts for new accessibility errors arising from content changes.

myPluro Management Hub icon

myPluro Management Hub:

Centralized Accessibility Panel to oversee all your websites. It provides a comprehensive view of accessibility status, integrates robust analytics, and facilitates effective client management.

solution image


Simplified Compliance icon

Simplified Compliance

Meeting regulatory requirements doesn't have to be a headache. Our solution simplifies the compliance process, helping you navigate regulations like ADA and WCAG with ease.
Efficiency and Time Savings icon

Efficiency and Time Savings

Our solution cuts up to 75% of accessibility work time by automating repetitive tasks and providing actionable insights, so you can spend less time on tedious adjustments and more on innovation.
High-quality Accessibility logo

High-quality Accessibility

Our solution doesn't just meet the bare minimum requirements – it delivers high-quality accessibility that enhances the user experience for all your website visitors.

Clients & Testimonials

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Importance Of Web Accessibility

For web developers

Offering Expansion

Expand your portfolio with accessible web development services, enhancing your reputation and income.

SEO-Optimized Websites

Good accessibility boosts SEO grades, improving search engine visibility and site traffic.

Join the Trend

Web accessibility is becoming a standard. Embrace it now to stay ahead.

For website owners

Regulatory compliance

Accessibility isn't just a choice, it's the law. Ensure compliance for legal security.

Market Expansion

Accessible websites reach wider audiences, driving growth and market penetration.

Inclusive branding

Embrace accessibility to build trust, loyalty, and a positive brand image for all users.
compliance image


We recognize the critical importance of compliance with accessibility laws. While our aim goes beyond mere legal requirements, we adhere to key accessibility standards, including WCAG, ADA, and EAA, among others.

Supported Platforms

Our Pricing

Pluro Access Plan
Currently, we offer a single pricing plan designed to provide great accessibility solutions for your website, regardless of size.
Features included:
  • Accessibility Component icon
    Accessibility Component: automatically resolves up to 80% of accessibility issues.
  • Scanner Fixer
    Scanner Fixer: Scan and easily fix the remaining 20% of issues.
  • websites’ accessibility status icon
    myPluro: Manage all your websites’ accessibility status in one place.

save 16.5% per website
Start Today
Pluro Access Plan
Currently, we offer a single pricing plan designed to provide great accessibility solutions for your website, regardless of size.
Features included:
  • Accessibility Component icon
    Accessibility Component: automatically resolves up to 80% of accessibility issues.
  • Scanner Fixer
    Scanner Fixer: Scan and easily fix the remaining 20% of issues.
  • websites’ accessibility status icon
    myPluro: Manage all your websites’ accessibility status in one place.

per website
Start Today


We’ve got your back

We're here to support you every step of the way, ensuring your journey to accessibility is smooth and hassle-free.
Resources icon 2


Access to guides and tutorials that will help you maximize the benefits of our products.
Accessibility icon


Explore our library of resources and articles on web accessibility best practices and tips
Service icon


Have questions or need assistance? Our friendly support team is just a message away
About us

About Us

At Pluro, we’re revolutionizing the web to open a world of opportunities for everyone. Our vision is a seamless digital landscape, where interactions and online experiences are accessible to all, setting a new standard for digital inclusion. This is our commitment to the world.

We understand that making 200 million websites accessible requires collaboration with web developers and providing a variety of solutions that simplify the process and elevate it to the highest standard.

Join us at Pluro as we pave the way for a seamless digital landscape and set a new standard for digital inclusion. Together, we’re not just improving web accessibility — we’re shaping the future of the internet.

Contact Us

Contact us to start your journey towards a more accessible web. We're here to answer any questions and support you every step of the way. Let's simplify web accessibility together.

    Contact form